Is the interference distance of the drone interference system as far as possible?

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-06-27Update Time:2023-06-27

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Many customers who are interested in purchasing drone interference systems have a more prominent concern when consulting product functions and technical specifications, which is the interference distance of drone interference systems? Moreover, it can be clearly felt from the communication with customers that they hope to interfere with the distance as much as possible. Is this psychological expectation reasonable?

Firstly, we can clearly inform that the RF transmission module of the vast majority of drone interference systems currently has a transmission power value in the range of approximately 5W to 50W, and the corresponding interference distance is usually within the range of 500 to 5000 meters. Customers can choose the appropriate transmission power of the drone interference system based on their own unit's actual needs. Usually, the interference distance of drones can be controlled to be slightly larger than the space of their own unit. We cannot blindly pursue a larger interference distance, otherwise it may cause unnecessary impact on the external environment.

Our suggestion is that the interference distance of the selected drone interference system should be limited. Pursuing to increase transmission power and expand interference distance will not fully meet actual needs and will also increase procurement costs.

As for some customers who have reported that the interference distance of the drone interference system is insufficient, another possible reason is that the interference frequency bands configured for the drone interference system are not complete. For example, only the most basic interference frequency bands for drone navigation, positioning, flight control, and image transmission are installed, including GPS and Wi Fi frequency bands, Some private modified drones will also use at least 433MHz, 800MHz, 900MHz, 1400MHz, WiFi5.2G frequency bands, etc. When all these interference frequency bands are fully configured, they are sufficient to cope with over 95% of the current types of drone products.

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