What scenarios are anti drone systems suitable for?

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-06-29Update Time:2023-06-29

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In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles have shown explosive growth, and incidents of illegal use of drones have also emerged one after another. In order to create a safe and reliable airspace environment, anti drone systems have been developed and widely used. The anti drone system is also known as the drone jammer or drone interception system, mainly aimed at blocking and intercepting remote control signals and image transmission signals of illegally used drones. So what scenarios are anti drone systems applicable to?

1、 Airport

The takeoff and landing of airplanes have strict safety requirements, such as airports installing corresponding bird repellent equipment to drive away birds in order to avoid safety accidents caused by bird collisions with airplanes. Since the beginning of this year, there have been frequent incidents of black flying drones forcing flights to stop around the world. Therefore, in order to create an airspace where illegal drones cannot approach airports, it is clearly necessary to equip airports with anti drone systems.

2、 Prison, Detention center

Prisons and Detention center are places where prisoners are held. The security level should be very high, but some criminals use drones to survey prisons, or even transport illegal goods. Many places have used drones to deliver crime tools such as mobile phones and wire cutters to prisoners in prison to assist them in escaping, and there have been successful cases of escape. Therefore, for prisons and Detention center, which are important places for prisoners, it is necessary to use UAV anti system to interfere with and intercept illegal UAVs.

3、 Large events

Large events include sports events (marathons, football matches), concerts, leader visits, etc. Similar large-scale events attach great importance to security, using a drone countermeasures system to control drones at the event site and during leaders' visits to ensure the normal progress of the event and the safety of the leaders.

In fact, as drones become more cost-effective, more and more fields are using them, but inadequate regulation has led some criminals to use drones to engage in illegal activities. The anti UAV system is the bane of illegal UAVs. In addition to the above mentioned airport, prison Detention center, large-scale activities and other scenarios, it is also applicable to many scenes, such as nuclear power plants, security agencies, as well as public security, military and other units.

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