How to select suitable drone countermeasures equipment

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-07-06Update Time:2023-07-06

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With the rapid development of drone technology, the range of use of drones is becoming increasingly widespread. However, at the same time, the abuse and improper use of drones also bring a series of security risks. In order to protect personal privacy and public safety, it is crucial to choose a suitable drone countermeasures device. So how do we choose the appropriate drone countermeasures equipment?

The selection of suitable drone countermeasures equipment requires consideration of the following factors:

1. Functions of drone countermeasures equipment:

Firstly, it is necessary to consider the functions of drone countermeasures. When choosing a drone countermeasures system, it is necessary to fully consider one's own needs. The drone countermeasures equipment usually includes drone detection and recognition systems, drone interference systems, and drone navigation and deception systems, among which the drone detection system includes radio detection, radar detection, and photoelectric tracking systems. Each detection system has different functional roles, applicable scenarios, and detection distances. It is necessary to choose a suitable detection system based on your own needs, and then use it in conjunction with a drone interference system. Ensure that the selected device has accurate drone identification and positioning functions, which can quickly determine the type, position, and flight trajectory of the drone. At the same time, the interference technology of the equipment should also have an efficient and reliable ability to interfere with the communication and navigation systems of unmanned aerial vehicles.

2. Maturity and reliability of drone countermeasures technology:

Select fully tested and validated technology mature drone countermeasures equipment to ensure its stability and reliability. You can refer to evaluations from other users and test reports from professional organizations to understand the performance of the equipment in actual use. In addition, understand whether the manufacturer or supplier of the equipment has good after-sales service and technical support to ensure that the equipment can be repaired and upgraded in a timely manner.

3. Spectrum coverage:

There are various frequencies used by drones, usually including frequency bands such as 800MHz, 900MHz, 1.2G, 1.5G, 2.4G, 5.8G, GPS/GLONASS/Beidou, etc. Therefore, the selected countermeasure device needs to have a wide spectrum coverage range. Ensure that the device can interfere with different brands, models, and types of drones, and adapt to multiple frequency bands of drone signals.

4. Suitable defense range:

You can choose the appropriate defense range for drone interference systems based on the actual needs of your own unit. Usually, the interference distance of drones can be controlled to be slightly larger than the space of their own unit. We cannot blindly pursue a larger interference distance, otherwise it may cause unnecessary impact on the external environment.

5. Do you have relevant qualifications

When selecting drone countermeasures equipment, enterprises must ensure that the selected equipment complies with relevant laws and regulations, and complies with relevant national policies. When using drone countermeasures equipment, it is necessary to comply with the relevant requirements of the National Radio Regulatory Commission to ensure legality and compliance. Compliance is the basic prerequisite for enterprises to use drone countermeasures equipment. So when choosing unmanned aerial vehicle countermeasures and defense equipment, it is important to pay attention to selecting brands and equipment certified by the National Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Commission. The Shenzhou Mingda unmanned aerial vehicle countermeasures and defense series products have been shortlisted for certification by the unmanned aerial vehicle commission, and have been widely used and supported in regulatory venues, riot prevention units, petrochemical, power industries, and government units.

Choosing suitable drone countermeasures is an important step in ensuring public safety and personal privacy. Multiple key factors need to be comprehensively considered when selecting. By careful comparison and evaluation, selecting professional manufacturers of unmanned aerial vehicle countermeasures and applicable models of unmanned aerial vehicle countermeasures can effectively help business units combat the security threats posed by drones.

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