Unmanned aerial vehicle countermeasures to ensure activity safety

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-07-11Update Time:2023-07-11

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In recent years, the popularization of drones and the continuous progress of technology have brought many conveniences and innovations to society. However, at the same time, the abuse or illegal use of drones has also become a potential security threat, especially for the security of major events. In order to ensure public safety and the smooth progress of activities, effective drone control measures need to be taken, which requires the use of drone countermeasures.

Below is a feasible drone control plan for large-scale events.

Overview of the plan:

The drone control plan for large-scale events is mainly divided into three stages: early warning stage, monitoring stage, and strike stage. The following will be introduced separately:

Early warning stage:

Prior to the start of large-scale activities, a drone control area should be set up in advance, and equipment such as radar, photoelectric tracking system, and radio detection system should be used for early warning of drones. When a drone is detected, a signal will be sent to remind the staff and the drone's location information will be updated in a timely manner. At the same time, the UAV can also be controlled to land through Radio jamming.

Monitoring stage:

During large-scale activities, set up UAV control area, use advanced UAV monitoring equipment for monitoring, and prevent UAV intrusion through Radio jamming. When a drone is detected, it will automatically track and record it, and notify the staff in a timely manner. If necessary, Radio jamming can be carried out to control the landing or evacuation of UAV.

Strike stage:

If it is found that illegal individuals manipulate drones to maliciously attack activities, immediate measures should be taken to combat them. Anti drone weapons can be used to strike, such as drone interference strike guns, drone countermeasures, etc., to strike the control signals of drones and cause them to lose control.

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