Common ways to interfere with civilian drones

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-07-13Update Time:2023-07-13

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Due to the rampant illegal flight of civilian drones, anti drone technology is gradually starting to get on track. With the advancement of technology and the continuous growth of the civilian drone market, there are more and more violations of civilian drone flights, causing increasingly serious safety hazards. However, for civilian drones, they cannot be directly destroyed like military drones in war. Therefore, the traditional method of destroying drones is not suitable for countering civilian drones. This has led to the emergence of drone countermeasures systems specifically developed by anti drone manufacturers.

As an anti drone device developed specifically for the "black flying" phenomenon of civilian drones, it has shown particularly outstanding effects. Today we will talk about several common ways to interfere with civilian drones.

The drone countermeasures system generally controls the interference of drones through radio signal interference, drone navigation deception, and other methods.

For example, GPS signal interference releases a certain power of directional radio frequency to the drone, making it impossible for the drone equipped with a GPS positioning system to obtain accurate coordinate data, resulting in the drone being able to hover in the air or return on its original path; Radio jamming is to obtain control of the UAV by interfering with the radio signal between the UAV and the operator, which means that the UAV cannot transmit images and make it hover or return on its own; The drone navigation deception system is specifically developed to address various security threats posed by "black flying" drones. By radiating low-power regenerative navigation satellite signals and invading the "black flying" drone navigation system, it can intercept and control drones that need to use navigation systems for flight control, preventing them from flying into protected areas and ensuring low altitude safety in the area.

When dealing with the safety or security risks brought by civilian drones, it is important to note that interference behavior may have unnecessary effects on drone equipment. Therefore, when selecting interference methods and timing, it is important to carefully consider selecting appropriate drone interference equipment based on the needs of one's own application scenario and specific circumstances.

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