The working principle and advantages of drone navigation deception system

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-07-14Update Time:2023-07-14

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The rapid development of civilian drone technology has made drones widely used in fields such as aerial photography, agricultural plant protection, disaster prevention and reduction, search and rescue, traffic supervision, resource exploration, remote sensing surveying and mapping, border patrol, meteorological detection, etc. While bringing many conveniences to society, it also brings some safety hazards and risks, as problems such as drone "black flying" disturbing navigation, losing control and injuring people, and theft infringement are becoming increasingly prominent. In order to protect public safety and prevent the illegal use of drones, many places install and use drone navigation deception systems. So, what are the working principles and advantages of drone navigation deception systems?

For civilian drones equipped with satellite navigation terminals, the drone navigation deception system can deceive the drone's navigation terminals by transmitting false navigation satellite signals, causing them to locate at the preset false position of the system. The setting of No-fly zone, location deception and route deception can be achieved by satellite positioning signal deception. Due to the weak satellite navigation signal received by drones, the system only needs a very small transmission power to achieve the decoy effect on drones. It can prevent drone intrusion while not interfering with the normal operation of other devices.

The drone navigation deception system utilizes the drone's own strategy to counter, requiring minimal electromagnetic wave transmission power and wider coverage. It can perform omnidirectional or directional defense against multi rotor or fixed wing drones in various stages such as standby, takeoff, cruise, hover, etc. within the defense range, and has faster and more obvious effects compared to high-power electromagnetic suppression.

Moreover, compared with other interception means, the UAV navigation decoy system can control and guide the UAV without destroying its own, which can prevent the UAV from entering the no fly area or guiding the UAV to a safe area, reducing the possibility of accidental injury and damage to equipment. At the same time, it can greatly reduce the possibility of risk and damage to the surrounding environment and personnel.

In addition, the drone navigation deception system can work in collaboration with other anti drone devices such as radar and electromagnetic interference devices, and also has the characteristics of easy use and maintenance. Users can easily operate, and maintenance costs are also very low, which can save users a lot of costs.

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