A Sharp Tool for Protecting Airspace Security: Anti drone Radio Active Defense System

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-07-19Update Time:2023-07-19

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With the rapid development of drone technology, drones have been widely used in military, civilian, and commercial fields. However, drones also bring a series of safety risks and hidden dangers. In order to effectively respond to the threat of drones, the anti drone radio active defense system has emerged. This article will delve into the working principle, functional characteristics, and important role in protecting safety of the anti drone radio active defense system.

The anti UAV radio active defense system uses advanced radio detection technology and Radio jamming technology to detect, interfere with and block the communication and navigation system of UAV. The system generates interference signals through transmitters and receivers, scans and tracks signals transmitted by drones, and interferes based on signal characteristics, thereby damaging the communication, navigation, and control capabilities of drones.

The functional characteristics of the anti drone radio active defense system:

1. Interference with wireless communication: The anti drone radio active defense system can interfere with the drone's remote control signal and data transmission signal, causing it to lose contact with the controller, and thus unable to transmit image signals to the controller without being controlled by the controller.

2. Interference with navigation and positioning: The system also has the ability to interfere with the GPS signal of drones and other positioning systems. By interfering with the positioning signal, drones will be unable to accurately locate or lose navigation capabilities, unable to fly accurately, and thus forced to hover in place or return directly.

3. Multi target tracking: Anti drone radio active defense systems typically have the ability to track multiple targets and can simultaneously interfere and block multiple drones. This ability improves the overall defense effectiveness and enhances the ability to handle complex drone threats.

4. Automated operation: This system usually has automated operation functions, which can monitor, detect, and interfere with drones in real-time. After the operator sets the parameters in the system, the system can automatically identify and interfere with the drone, reducing the burden on the operator.

The anti drone radio active defense system plays an important role in protecting the safety of critical locations. It can effectively strike and interfere with the normal operation of drones, thereby protecting important targets such as critical facilities, public places, and military bases from drone attacks.

1. Prevent reconnaissance and theft: Drones can be used for reconnaissance activities to obtain sensitive information. The anti drone radio active defense system can interfere with drone communication and image transmission, effectively preventing drones from stealing sensitive information.

2. Prevention of attack threat: Unmanned aerial vehicles used maliciously may carry explosives, toxic gases or other Dangerous goods, posing a serious security threat. The anti drone radio active defense system can interfere with the control signal of the drone, forcing it to lose control ability or return to the takeoff point, thereby preventing the drone from carrying out attacks.

3. Maintaining public safety: Drones are increasingly being used for illegal activities, infringing on others' privacy, and endangering public safety. The anti drone radio active defense system can detect and interfere with these drones in a timely manner, maintaining public safety and social order.

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