Discussion on the Application Range of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Counter Control

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-04-11Update Time:2023-04-11

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Currently, the technology related to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is developing rapidly both domestically and internationally, with a wide range of types and uses. Different drones vary in size, mass, range, altitude, speed, and other aspects.

According to usage classification, drones can be divided into military drones and civilian drones; Military drones can be divided into reconnaissance drones, electronic countermeasures drones, unmanned fighter jets, and so on according to their purpose; Civil drones can be divided into inspection drones, agricultural drones, meteorological drones, and so on.

The drone countermeasures system is widely used in various industries of national production. By utilizing various sensor systems such as high-resolution CCD cameras, infrared cameras, multispectral cameras, and gas detectors loaded inside the drone, remote sensing data is obtained. Under the comprehensive control of air and ground control systems, automatic imaging and acquisition are achieved. At the same time, real-time planning and monitoring of the drone's navigation trajectory are carried out, And achieve functions such as compression and automatic transmission of information data, as well as image preprocessing.

Due to the advantages of convenient takeoff and the ability to fly at ultra-low altitudes, drones have significant practical advantages. Taking drone remote sensing as an example, due to its convenient takeoff and no need for supporting facilities such as runways and airports, drones can be launched under various terrain conditions. At the same time, drones can achieve ultra-low altitude flight, which can be closer to the target object and obtain higher resolution images. It can also avoid the trouble of satellite optical remote sensing and ordinary aerial photography remote sensing often being obstructed by clouds. At the same time, due to its small size, drones can flexibly adapt to various terrains and features during operation, thereby obtaining images from more angles. The flexibility of operation also to some extent avoids the personal safety risks of pilots.

In addition, drones can also be widely used in national ecological environment protection, aerial photography, surveying, mineral resource exploration, disaster monitoring, traffic patrols, power line patrols, public security monitoring, emergency disaster reduction, emergency command, artificial rainfall, national defense security, land and resource exploration, urban planning, earthquake investigation, environmental monitoring, forest fire prevention, crop yield estimation, wildlife monitoring in protected areas, drug control reconnaissance, fire reconnaissance Ecological environment protection, marine environment monitoring, land use survey, water resource development, crop growth monitoring and yield estimation, agricultural operations, natural disaster monitoring and evaluation, urban planning and municipal management, forest pest prevention and monitoring, digital cities, and other fields.

The above is a detailed introduction to the application scope of drone countermeasures.

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