Advantages:Portable design, single-operator control, long interference distance, detection radius of over 3000, and interference distance of over 1000 kilometer (depending on the environment).
Description:Quickly detect target airspace, locate drones and enforce landing or expulsion, effectively controlling "rogue" drones.
Application Fields:Public safety, power systems, petrochemical, military sites, airports, prison surveillance
hands-on guidance
lowest cost procurement
One-on-one after-sales service
Human response
Technical reply
Customized solutions
Anti-drone handheld device. Quickly detects target airspace, locates drones, and blocks drone flight control and signal transmission systems. Enforces landing or expulsion of drones, effectively controlling "rogue" drones.
Drone DetectionOne-click automatic search, intelligent detection, detection range up to 3KM
Multi-band CountermeasuresCan counter various drone communication, image transmission, and navigation links
Easy OperationPortable design, lightweight device
Long Countermeasure Range≥1000 meters (different distances for different drone models)
Various Modes Of ActionCan force return, land, hover, or interfere with image transmission
Wide CoverageCovers over 95% of mainstream drones in the market
Rogue Drone Security Threats Unauthorized drones can lead to the leakage of commercial resources, privacy invasions, collisions with power grids, flight disruptions, injuries from falling at large events, and smuggling contraband like tobacco, drugs, and weapons into prisons. In the face of the regulatory void for rogue drones, strong countermeasures must be taken to ensure aerial safety.
There Is a Drone in My Airspace! Now What?
Get product brochureFor more than 10 years, we have accumulated rich experience, with customers in over 160 countries and regions. As a professional developer of C-UAS, Shenzhou Mingda has been rated as a "smart security China's good brand", and its products have gained the trust and favor of customers.
Customer satisfaction rate is above 98% We can arrange on-site visits for closer inspection.
Public safety Cases
Petroleum Industry Cases
Power System Cases
Airport Cases
Military location Cases
Regulatory Venue Cases
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