What are the precautions for installing the drone countermeasures system?

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-07-10Update Time:2023-07-10

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In today's era, the use of drones is becoming increasingly widespread, but it also brings some potential security threats. In order to protect critical facilities, public safety, and national interests, unmanned aerial vehicle countermeasures have become a necessary safety protection measure. However, there are many things to pay attention to when installing a drone countermeasures system, otherwise it will not only affect the effectiveness of the drone countermeasures system, but also seriously affect the service life of the equipment. So what are the precautions for installing the drone countermeasures system?

When selecting the installation location for the drone countermeasures system, the preferred installation area is of course the roof of the building or the area with higher terrain within the unit. If the roof is not convenient for installation or there is no area with higher terrain for installing equipment, it can also be installed using a vertical pole method.

Whether the UAV reaction system is installed on the roof of the building or the top of the pole, the lightning protection and lightning protection of the UAV reaction system equipment must be considered, and Lightning rod must be installed when necessary.

Because it is installed outdoors, the equipment host of the drone countermeasures system usually has waterproof function. However, when connecting the power and RF cables of the equipment, it is necessary to take waterproof and sealing measures for these cables and adapters. If this waterproof measure is not fully implemented, although it will not immediately cause abnormal operation of the equipment, over time, it will inevitably lead to potential malfunctions in the drone countermeasures system, until the equipment cannot operate normally when a malfunction occurs.

The equipment host of the drone countermeasures system usually comes with fixed assembly holes for installation. If the system is used for a long time, it is necessary to ensure that all assembly holes are fastened with bolts to ensure that the equipment host is stable, not loose, and not falling off.

Of course, for professional anti drone manufacturers, the installation of drone defense systems is not a difficult task, as they have rich experience in anti drone system installation. Therefore, when choosing a drone defense system, it is only necessary to choose the right professional manufacturer.

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