What are the advantages of a fixed drone countermeasures system?

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-07-11Update Time:2023-07-11

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With the development and popularization of drone technology, more and more people are using drones for various activities, such as photography, surveying, logistics, entertainment, etc. However, there are also some illegal individuals who use drones to engage in illegal or dangerous activities, such as violating privacy, secretly filming, dropping items, carrying explosives, etc. These behaviors not only threaten public safety and social order, but also bring huge risks to important places and facilities. Therefore, how to effectively defend and intercept these illegal invading drones has become an urgent problem to be solved.

The fixed drone countermeasures system is a device that can effectively solve this problem. It can be installed in a fixed position or on a moving vehicle to monitor and interfere with low altitude airspace in real-time. Its working principle is to detect the position, speed, heading and other information of the target drone through radar, electronic reconnaissance and other means, and then interfere or control the target drone through navigation interference, communication interference and other means, causing it to lose navigation ability or lose contact with the controller, thereby achieving the purpose of forced landing, return or acquisition.

The fixed drone countermeasures system has the following advantages:

Wide coverage: The fixed drone countermeasures system can set multiple operating frequency bands and powers according to needs, covering different types and scales of drones, forming an effective defense circle.

Fast response speed: The fixed drone countermeasures system can achieve automated or semi-automatic working modes, quickly identify and interfere with target drones, and reduce human operation delays and errors.

Good interference effect: The fixed drone countermeasures system can adopt different interference strategies and methods based on the characteristics and environmental conditions of the target drone, achieving precise and effective interference effects.

Safe and reliable: The fixed drone countermeasures system can set reasonable working parameters and safety protection measures according to laws, regulations, and user needs, to avoid affecting and interfering with friendly communication and civil aviation.

No need for personnel on duty: The fixed drone countermeasures system can automatically detect drone signals and interfere with various types of drones that violate regulations, without the need for personnel on duty.

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